The Gallery Lille Kabelvåg show

The show at Lille Kabelvåg Gallery was a mix of old and new prints, papercuts, paintings and drawings from the last years. They all came together as one piece in this show.

Main room pan. Drumkit was used in drumandbass jam with Santos on the opening day.

Main wall. Interview portrait project print on table.

Main frieze with “The Man” cutout, papercuts above (white paper) and prints from the inteview portrait project front.

Closeup pan of the frieze startig and ending with a painting. The frieze is a 25 mtr long print, made from a smaller / 3mtr long pen on paper drawing. It was initially made to fill two rooms with 4mtr high walls but this has never been fully realised. The drawing would connect end to end so it would be an endless drawing if mounted and produced as initially planned - also it would be over two same size rooms with a total lengt of around 60 mtr.

The man!

The man, is a project that has been with me for some time now. Through learning about politics, philosophy, socioeconomics, history etc. my realisation is very simple; you, and everyone else - me included create the world and the reality we live in. That is perhaps so simple that it borders on banality - but the ramifications and consequences of this reality is enormous. It places the responsibillity for everything that happens - on each and every one of us. It means that you are responsible, and that there is no other force in the world than the sum of actions we as individuals take. If more individuals take more care in their choices of action instead of just schlapping along, then things start to move in a different direction. Dont listen to the mass media. Their product is produced with the intent to influence your thinking, control what you know and consequently - control you, many of you, to think like they want you to. Take control of your thinking, what you read and watch - grow your own person and realize your full potential - be «the man» in your own life - YOU, are «the man»!!


Do it again!

We are in the middle of the corona crisis,

the plandemic etc. but life

moves on - what better way then to join an art auction and get some real art for your real home? Ots affordable and anyway… you decide the price’ This one «enjoy every moment» is acrylics, graphite, ink and pen on 310gms paper. Size 68cm. X 42. Place a bid on my instagram account and tag three friends! Have fun collecting art!! :)


First Reddymadeauction!

Last monday morning I arrived early in my studio. I had an itching to pick up some paper and start drawing. I found some paper and feltpens and started with some simple lines. For some reason, it had some resistance. The feeling was that something was holding me back and the flow of the lines was hard to make. I struggled, but as it allways is, continuing making the drawing pays of. Its like breaking through a wall. Suddenly things start to fit and feel right. My stream of consciousness appeared there, right in front of me! Manifested as this drawing. After drawing I decided to do something I have never even thought of before - make an auction on instagram! The thought hit me like a lightning bolt and instead of questioning the idea - I posted on my instagram @reddymade_ I had no expectations to as if anyone would take this seriously, or if the drawing would be sold, but I went with the flow. The auction lasted five days and ended last friday… drawing was sold for 2800,- to some happy artcollectors! It was fun… Im quite sure Im gonna have to do this again. Will you join in and take part next time?


«Streaming through your senses»

60x84cm. Various ink on 280grms. paper 2020

Forlat virkeligheten - verden er en Reddymade

Bak det blendende lyset fra den altoppslukende skjermen, finnes det en verden uavhengig av hverdagens digitale apati. Motivene likner kanskje ikke noe du har sett tidligere, men de er virkeliggjort av Chris Reddy - fysiske manifestasjoner av bildene han selv ser når han lukker øynene. Om du løfter blikket neste gang du spaserer opp Thereses gate på Bislett i Oslo ser du han kanskje, omgitt av sitt tankegods i Reddymade Art Shop. Dette er Chris Reddy sin virkelighet, og i den finnes verken masseproduksjon eller Black Friday.
I tiårsalderen hadde jeg noen år med intense migrener. Når disse anfallene kom måtte jeg være i stillhet og mørke. Med lukkede øyne så jeg utrolige mønstre og former. Sorte og hvite. Elektriske former som smeltet inn i hverandre og ble myke eller veldig harde. Hardere kontraster enn man kan forestille seg.
Det handler ikke om å skape en atmosfære eller ambiens, men om å formidle energi. Det jeg tegner er ikke ting jeg har sett i virkeligheten

Reddymade Art Shop: Galleri på Bislett i Oslo. 

Theresgate 46 - - 992 25 589

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Stå opp mot kjipe vegger!

Der Oslo byr på vakre bygårder fulle av stilsikre leiligheter med særpreg og sjarm, er veggens funksjon kun å kaste glans over interiøret med sin anonymitet. Reddymade Art Shop slår et slag for veggene; gi dem hovedrollen, la dem representere leken, energien og originaliteten!

Denne klassisk bygårdsleiligheten i Oslo har tatt et standpunkt mot kjipe vegger

Denne klassisk bygårdsleiligheten i Oslo har tatt et standpunkt mot kjipe vegger

Hvor mange nyanser av grått er det på Jotuns interiørfargekart?

Reddy lekte med farger og figurer gjennom hele barndommen og med grafitti  i Tromsøs gater i ungdomstida. På 90-tallet utdannet han seg ved Kunstkolen i Kabelvåg, Statens Kunstakademi i Oslo og tok kunsthistorie ved Universitetet i Tromsø. Siden da har hans hyperaktive kreativititet blant annet satt sitt preg på en rekke bygninger rundt om i landet, resultert i flere separatutsillinger, og i 2014 var han offisiell kunstner for Sjakk-OL i Tromsø. I år åpnet han sitt eget galleri på Bislett i Oslo, Reddymade Art Shop. Han dekorerer ennå bygg og byers utside, men gjennom sine malerier og tegninger skaper Reddy også liv bak fasadene.

Er du klar for å ta et standpunkt mot kjipe vegger, kan du se nærmere på en Chris Reddy-original til leiligheten din i Reddymade Artshop.  Galleriet ligger i Theresgate 46, like ovenfor rundkjøringen v/ Bislett Stadion.

New York-plakaten er kul den, men man kan også henge andre ting på veggen
Kan Ikea-kunst sammenliknes med norsk fjernsynsdrama fra 70-tallet?

Reddymade Art Shop: Galleri på Bislett i Oslo. 

Theresgate 46 - - 992 25 589

Galleri kunst Bislett Oslo

Reddymade Art Shop har ingen kjipe vegger. Velkommen innom. 

Reddymade Art Shop opening!

After years of searching for a space, more or less consciously - I landed my art shop in the neighbourhood Ive lived in the last 20 yrs. Bislett. The opening went well. Lots of very nice people. Really looking forward to seeing how this experience will be. Hope to see you here - come by at Theresesgt. 46. Open irregularly.